Joel Verhagen

a computer programming blog

The fastest way to dynamically activate objects in .NET

Update: these results were for .NET 5 but in .NET 6 there were great improvements in this area. Consider the reading the Reflection section of the Performance Improvements in .NET 6 blog post by Stephen Toub. Thanks for the heads up, Mark!

… at least according to my brief investigation.

For one of my side projects, ExplorePackages, I wanted to know the fastest way to activate an arbitrary type in .NET. In other words, given a type parameter T or variable of type Type, what’s the fastest way to call the parameterless constructor for that type. This is a pretty common scenario for deserializer libraries. Imagine you are given encoded data in some byte stream and you know the format (JSON, CSV, etc) and you want the object model that represents those bytes. Well, you need to activate a class (or call new Foo()) at some point so that you can fill the live instance with data from the bytes.

In my experience, the most common approaches to this problem are to use the Activator.CreateInstance method or to use reflection to get the parameterless constructor of the Type. It turns out these are not always the best!

I figured it might be useful to try a bunch of different approaches with BenchmarkDotNet and post the results. Also, it’s been forever since I’ve blogged, and I needed to make sure I still knew how to publish to this dang thing.


I tried the following approaches for three types: object, StringBuilder, and a big POCO I had laying around. It turned out that the difference between the three types in terms of performance was not interesting so I just mentioned the POCO performance below since I thought it best matched the used case of “dynamic activation of a class during deserialization”.


  • explicit new with no dynamic type, as a baseline
  • reflection
  • reflection, but caching the ConstructorInfo
  • IL emit
  • IL emit, but caching the generated method
  • Activator.CreateInstance
  • new T() which is only usable with a where T : new() type parameter constraint


I wrote out benchmark methods for these approaches in generic methods (e.g. ApproachFoo<T>()) and methods with a parameter of type Type (e.g. ApproachFoo(Type type)). I’ll call the type parameter approach (the former) generic methods. I’ll call the methods accepting Type (the latter) Type methods.

I ran the benchmarks on my Surface Book 3 running Windows 10, with three different runtimes:

  1. .NET Core 3.1
  2. .NET 5.0
  3. .NET Framework 4.8

Note that the new T() approach only works in generic methods and not in Type methods.

The POCO I used is referred to as PackageAsset and has 25 properties – a mixture of reference and value types.


The fastest way to create an object in .NET is by calling new directly on that type 😂… but that’s not surprising. But really, if you can explicitly activate the type in a calling method and pass down the instance, this will be the fastest. Depending on your usecase, you may even be able to get away with a single instance of the classe – perhaps you’re directly serializing again and can reuse the instance.

The next fastest way is to use IL emit to generate a method that simply calls the constructor. However it should be noted that the upfront cost of using IL emit is staggering and should only be considered if the constructor is called roughly 4000 times or more per process (assuming you cache the IL emit at the process level, e.g. static).

“Close” approaches

Here is the activation time of my PackageAsset POCO. This chart excludes the uncached IL emit approach since it made the picture unreadable since the measurements for that approach so high in comparison. This averages the results of all three frameworks.

The value of the measurement (Y axis) is the ratio against the baseline.

As you can see the next runner up are the Type method and generic variants of IL emit.


As an example, you could use code like this to IL emit a delegate which produces an object of an arbitrary type. For this approach to be performant, you must cache the delegate instead of regenerating it every time.

using System.Reflection.Emit;

delegate object MyActivate();

object Activate(Type type)
    // Cache this! It uses IL emit and is very slow!
    MyActivate emitActivate = GetEmitActivate(type);

    // Invoke the method to produce an object quickly.
    return emitActivate();

MyActivate GetEmitActivate(Type type)
    var method = new DynamicMethod("EmitActivate", type, null, true);
    var generator = method.GetILGenerator();
    generator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes));
    var emitActivate = (MyActivate)method.CreateDelegate(typeof(MyActivate));
    return emitActivate;

To be clear, this would be the implementation of the “Type emit (cached)” bar (1.24).

Framework comparison

Here are the nanosecond durations for each approach, on each framework. This is for the activation of my POCO.

Approach .NET Framework 4.8 .NET Core 3.1 .NET 5.0
  new 12.63 13.18 13.03
Type method      
  emit (cached) 19.46 14.31 14.32
  Activator 51.69 39.86 35.69
  reflection (cached) 112.41 88.09 74.27
  reflection 184.05 134.93 122.18
  emit 48,924.70 54,386.42 48,727.37
generic method      
  emit (cached) 22.04 17.24 16.92
  new T() 61.91 43.71 39.30
  Activator 62.10 42.77 40.32
  reflection (cached) 118.02 89.34 75.95
  reflection 189.54 140.15 129.22
  emit 50,060.25 53,353.06 48,703.52


When you use IL emit for this purpose (or probably any other purpose) you should carefully consider the upfront cost of the emit amortized over the execution of that IL during your process lifetime.

Activator.CreateInstance seems to be best approach if you don’t plan on creating more than several thousand objects of any given type.

In general, .NET 5.0 is faster than .NET Core 3.1. In general, .NET Core 3.1 is faster than .NET Framework 4.8.

There is a small overhead (2 to 10 nanoseconds) for using generics over a Type method parameter. This makes sense since many of the approaches need to call typeof(T) on the generic type parameter T to get a Type in the method body anyway. This holds true over all frameworks tested.


Calling new directly on my POCO and on object is faster on .NET Framework but slower for StringBuilder. This is a surprising result. Results are here, in nanoseconds.

Type .NET Framework 4.8 .NET Core 3.1 .NET 5.0
new StringBuilder() 13.15 8.90 8.99
new PackageAsset() 12.63 13.18 13.03
new object() 2.19 2.77 2.71

Perhaps this is “margin of error” stuff? Maybe I need to reproduce this on another machine? Maybe this is an investigation for another time…

Code and raw data

The code for this is stored on GitHub: joelverhagen/ActivatePerf

The BenchmarkDotNet and Excel data (for the charts and tables above) are here: