Python Playfair Implementation
I've been playing around with the Playfair cipher recently, so I thought it would be a fun little project to write a Python class that can encrypt and decrypt according to the Playfair cipher, so that's exactly what I did.
If you haven't heard of the Playfair cipher, check out my other post about how it works.
As I said before, the class is written Python. I wrote it in Python 2.6 on a Windows 7 machine.
I have a GitHub repository set up for the project.
The current version of this class is version 1.0. Features include:
- You can set the password you would like to encrypt and decrypt with.
- You can set the omission rule used to generate the 5 by 5 matrix. Current omission rules are:
- Replace J with I
- Omit Q
- Replace I with J
- Set what character you would like to use to pad double letter digraphs and odd length inputs.
Here is an example script to demonstrate how easy it is to use...
# import the Playfair library
import playfair
# create a Playfair object for encrypting and decrypting
ph = playfair.Playfair()
# set the password for upcoming encryptions or decryptions
ph.setPassword('Caput Draconis')
# encrypt a plain text phrase and print it out
print ph.encrypt('Emma Watson is the most talented actress.')
.. and the output.